Let's get this over with. "You could get hit by a bus." "We could all die tomorrow." "Really, we are all dying." PLEASE don't say this to someone with a terminal illness EVER. It is NOT okay. When you make these remarks as a way to sympathize or make us feel better. You are trivializing what we are going through. I NEVER feel better when I hear this. It feels like we should be ashamed for feeling our sense of morality so clearly. That maybe you don't want to hear how my life is really affected by my reality. And....... IT IS NOT THE SAME THING Typically, normal, healthy people do not think about dying everyday or that a bus is going to hit them. I could go on and on about why these and other similar phrases are not okay but I don't want to. SO...just, NO, don't do it.

Meme from Katherine OBrien. Follow her on twitter @ihatebreastcancer