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The time is drawing near.  It is that time of year for Art Prize. Check out the link if you don't know about it. Now I am going to tell you a secret. I do not do Art Prize. I LOVE Art Prize and the concept. But, it is SO busy and fills me with anxiety to find parking and be around all the people. However, this year I am going to brave the crowds as there is a special project there. Crowns of Courage. Henna crowns for women with cancer. Please visit the link to see more stories of bad ass women and read more about this amazing project.  Crowns of Courage was my stepping off platform for this blog.  I am SO excited that this project is being shared with the world.  Amanda and Steve from Happy Henna are amazing. Henna is healing. Check out their website to learn about henna. Henna is natural and plant based. It stains the skin but is not permanent. It is a way to bless an occasion. Who wants to bless cancer? But this was more than blessing cancer.  It was a prayer circle to punch cancer in the face; a blessing to me. Henna is a tool for helping me focus on healing. I can remember Amanda saying that she said prayers and blessing over me while she did the henna designs on my body. Sending my body healing intentions and energy. How amazing to have someone spend hours focused on you and praying for you.  Then to have a visual representation for weeks on my body was awesome.

Since the initial photo shoot the henna crowning has taken on a bigger deeper meaning to me.  Having my mantras and symbols that are so very special to me henna tattooed on my body touched me to my soul. It has imprinted my mantras deeply in my core and helps me focus on what is important to me; reducing my anxiety. Faith not fear and choosing joy.   There is something calming about having someone lay the henna on your body.  The smell of the oils and the beautiful conversation. You can forget about cancer for a while.

I loved having the henna on my head, But I could not see it. I REALLY loved it on my arms.  I travel for my job and after chemo I felt very sick.  Some days I did not know if I could make it to the next client.  I would look at my arms and remember that I am a warrior and I could power through the day. 

I have had henna numerous times since.  Each time I learn something more about myself. I shared this experience with my sister. Henna is a great time to spend with love ones talking and just being together connecting. We realized that I am the sun and she digs the moon. Something we never knew about each other.  My last henna was a mandala involving my mantras. I had to look up the meaning behind the mandala.  I am a forever learner.  Simply put, (it is more complex, Google it if you want to know more) Mandalas are artwork that is used to evoke healing and spiritual development. The circle represents wholeness, health, connection and harmony. What a double whammy to have a mandala created on my body with henna.  Both provide healing energy.  I look at my henna and think of it as a blessing.  I  thank God that I have met such wonderful people and get to be involved in such an amazing experience.  I think it is time to call Amanda for my next henna, it may be addictive. I think this is a good addiction. 

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